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I want to be honest. I can't think of any good reason to convince you that you’ll get any benefit from reading my posts. Nevertheless, I trust that you will find them interesting.

I read a lot, especially essays. And although, for professional reasons, I read more books on scientific subjects –mostly philosophy of science, animal biology and human biology– my interests are very broad. I will comment on these books here, in case it helps those who read my posts to decide whether or not to read them.

I am a thoughtful person who questions myself on all sorts of issues, whether personal, social, economic or scientific. I ask myself why I think what I think, and why I do what I do. If these reflections are of interest to anyone, I will post them here.

I am a biologist by training and, currently, Professor of Animal Physiology at the University of the Basque Country. I have worked for many years on the biology of marine invertebrates. My main interests are the philosophy and sociology of knowledge, in general, and of science, in particular. I enjoy reading books on history, linguistics and ethics, my favourite subjects.

I'm not interested in sports. I don't understand economics. Politics bores me, but I'm interested in what’s going on in the world.

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Reviews of the books I read and guesses about issues that interest me.


A biologist by training, an animal physiologist by profession and a compulsive reader.